Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oil spill in the Timor Sea

Oil spill coats the surface

My friend Kara Burns was up photographing the oil spill from the West Atlas oil rig in the Montara Oil field in the Timor Sea, just 200 km off the North West Coast. She has given permission to publish these photos. The pristine environment has been covered with a thin film of oil that you can see as the clouds reflect on the oily surface of the water.
Kimberley oil spill slicK
What a mess!! The disaster started on the 21st August and we are only now getting information in the press.
The Environment Minister says oil dispersants are being used and will be for the next 10 days to break up the spill. Boat loads of refugees are quickly spotted in the area but a major oil spill is kept under wraps for over a month. sea snakeWhat sort of environmental watch dogs do we have in Australia to let this happen?

read more about the problem from the WWF website who sent the first boat into the region at the end of September.

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