Pilbara miners environmental vandals
The Pilbara is known for its mineral wealth and its beautiful hills and gorges. When the minerals have been extracted the scars left remain as a reminder of money made, lives lost and land degraded. On a recent trip to Karajini we went to Wittenoom Gorge and the site of the old blue asbestos mining town, now not much more than a ghost town. I was reminded of the negative impact of mineral extraction and the lack of accountability to clean up after themselves of those who make money from the extraction of the country's mineral wealth.
This includes governments who make enormous amounts of royalties.
This includes governments who make enormous amounts of royalties.

Uranium worries
And of course now that WA has Colin Barnett as Premier, uranium exploration and mining is full steam ahead in the Pilbara. Cameco expect to be operating their uranium mine in the East Pilbara in 3 years.